Sebastian Kawar - Concept Design and Illustration
"Icon, Eyecon, I Con"
MFA Thesis Show
July 10-22, 2018 @ The TAMU Stark Galleries

1. Show lettering and Tessellated
Tessellated is a 3D-printed self-portrait

2. The Ordinator
The Ordinator is an interactive installation created with Max/MSP.
It stands against a projection designed to evoke stained glass.
You can view a breakdown of it here

3. The Viz
Sculpted in Zbrush and 3D-printed.


4. Martyrs
Painted digitally in Photoshop.

5. Who do you say that I am?
Sculpted in Zbrush, 3D-printed in brass and white plastic, assembled over a 7" LCD screen playing a self portrait created in Max/MSP.

6. 🔥🔥🔥
Assembled from layered translucent prints in a shadowbox with color-changing LEDs.

7. Illustrations
Illustrations painted digitally in Photoshop.

thanks for visiting :)